Flagship C

Information theory, capacity and advanced coding

Motivation and goals

To improve understanding of fundamental limits and increase speed, we shall perform information theoretic analysis of capacity of optical channels and develop capacity achieving techniques.
To obtain these goals, we shall achieve:

  • Fundamental spectral efficiency limit demonstrations.
  • Beyond linear limit optical communication using non-linear and regenerative transmission and advanced coding and signal processing.

Methods and tasks 

Capacity and fundamental limits for spectral efficiency of optical superchannels including non-linearities shall be studied: An information theoretical frame work based on mutual information shall be advanced for super channels with higher order modulation using EM techniques. This shall provide capacity results and optimizations of constellation shaping techniques, non-linearity (compensation), long and short term memory issues and phase-noise. Further it shall be extended to energy-constrained optimizations.  Advanced FEC and precoding will specifically be studied for advanced high-speed FEC at terabits/sec and coding approaches to shaping constellation probabilities or generalizes constellation shaping. Multimode and OAM capacity limits shall be established together with FS B based on models of novel multimode channels using information theory and signal processing as non-linear MIMO techniques. Experimental demonstrations at near-capacity limits for super channels and  for non-linear and regenerative transmission e.g. using phase-sensitive-optical effect.

Flagship Leader

Søren Otto Forchhammer
Group Leader, Professor
DTU Electro
+45 45 25 36 22
2 MARCH 2025